The usual suspects when it comes to employees calling in sick are typically things like the common cold, flu, or COVID-19.
But you might be surprised to learn that it’s not physical illnesses that are keeping your team from coming into the office.
The real culprits are actually stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues, reportedly contributing to approximately 4.7 million absentee days annually.
According to Gallup’s recent State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, Australian workers are enduring some of the highest stress rates globally. With 47% of employees facing daily stress, it’s no wonder that taking time off work feels like the only solution.
For employers that want to reduce absenteeism and foster a workplace culture where employee well-being thrives, investing in mental health support is pivotal.
And it doesn’t just benefit employees – after creating an environment that prioritises mental health, businesses see a return of at least $2.30 for every dollar spent.
Investing in wellness translates into tangible advantages: decreased sick days, heightened productivity, increased employee retention, and overall success.
At Employee Growth, we know that EAPs aren’t just about addressing symptoms; they actively prevent prolonged mental health-related absences by helping organisations, managers, and employees to identify and address conditions early on.