As a business owner or manager, you can be at the mercy of your staff. Staff come and go and often you aren’t given any warning prior to being given notice. Remember there’s no crystal ball when it comes to staff turnover but paying particular attention to certain behaviours can give a clue as to whether a staff member may be considering handing in a resignation.
According to an article published by the Harvard Business Review, it was found that the following behaviours we’re considered pre-quitting behaviours. They include:
– A decrease in productivity
– Not behaving as a team player
– Doing the minimum amount of work
– Being less interested in pleasing their manager
– Being less willing to commit to long-term timelines
– Displaying a negative change in attitude
– Exhibiting less effort and motivation
– Being less focused on job related matters
– Expressing dissatisfaction with their supervisor more frequently than usual
– Lack of enthusiasm for achieving the goals of the business
– Showing less interest in working with customers
What do you do if your staff are displaying these behaviours?
While these behaviours are indicators that someone may be looking to quit, it’s not definitive. If you observe this behaviour and sense that a resignation is imminent, perhaps have a chat with them and determine if they’re happy or if there are things that could be improved to encourage that staff member to stay or talk to someone if they feel the need to…
These are ‘general’ behaviours and will not necessarily follow this pathway they could be other issues at play that you may not be aware of, which may not necessarily lead to an employee leaving.
Check out the resources on our Wellness Hub for more hints and tips for reducing stress, and staying healthy in mind and body.
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Take very good care always!
From Audrey & the Employee Growth team