Workplace Wellness Program

January is traditionally the resolution month and sadly all too often the resolutions are abandoned by the beginning of Feb!

So instead of having ‘one’ resolution why not have daily resolutions?  Something that you enjoy or can practice everyday that helps you move nearer to where you want to be… Whether it’s a work task or a personal one, a simply review will help you ‘clean house’ before you set up your resolutions.

So here you go – 3 simply but powerful tips to review the year just gone.  Hopefully this will help you focus on what you want change in this new year, and start a routine that will become a daily practice…

A Simply Review Of Your Year

  1. What was my most important accomplishment and why?
  2. What was my biggest lesson and why was that important?
  3. What I am ready to let go of?

Set your intentions based on the above and give it go!

Good luck!

If you’re intent on setting goals, do so with a purpose – ‘Start with a Why’ – why are you setting them?
Setting goals that have no meaning or purpose makes you less inclined to want to achieve them.

Have a reason and a purpose that it is tangible and bigger than your everyday.

Check out the resources on our Wellness Hub for more hints and tips for reducing stress, and staying healthy in mind and body.

Please don’t suffer in silence our EAP offers confidential accessible support online.

Take very good care always!
From Audrey & the Partnership for Growth team

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