Flexible working is here to stay. Some employees would prefer to work from home and some may want to work in the office space. Having the opportunity and choice to do so will be crucial to the success of the workforce, in terms of choice and flexibility.
As a result, conversations around this might look like:
- How do we support our team working in this way?
- How can we build connection and ensure all team members feel included?
- What does that look like logistically?
To help with some of these possible queries (and I’m sure many more) is to:
- Look at what’s already working well
- Actively listening to your team
- Exploring the challenges faced by all
In terms of feedback, everything is valuable: the good the bad and the ugly. Lessons can be learnt from all of the information presented.
Here are some tips to manage a hybrid workforce….
- Acceptance that you may not always get it right and some team members may not be coping, so it’s important to acknowledge that. By looking for signs e.g a person who is normally a talker is suddenly quiet. Someone who is always present is absent from meetings.
- Engage your team in how to develop best connectivity practices. Some of you maybe doing this well already with regular online meet ups, which is great.
- Look for ways to expand the meet ups online; how can that be made even better experience? For example, self care. How to decompress from work and create a healthy demarcation from work to home, particularly if you’re working remotely and there is no commute to mitigate that.
So good luck with the tips and remember, please do not suffer in silence – reach out and ask for support.
As October is mental health month watch this space!
Check out the resources on our Wellness Hub for more hints and tips for reducing stress, and staying healthy in mind and body.
Please don’t suffer in silence our EAP offers confidential accessible support online.
Take very good care always!
From Audrey & the Partnership for Growth team